“ You can eat as much as you want” along with the promises of weight loss as well as maintaining that weight on a long run is the diet invented by the French nutritionist Dr. Pierre Dukan that conquered the world faster than the speed of light thanks
A lot of hollywood actors such as Penelope Cruz, Jennifer Lopez and Brazilian fashion model Gisele Bundchen have lost their weight gained from pregnancy through the help of this diet. Also Catherine Middleton and her mother, who have managed to shape their bodies before the royal wedding made valuable contributions for this diet to become a world hit.
What is a Dukan Diet?
Dukan diet involves eating food rich in proteins and very small amounts of fats and carbohydrates. It is very similar to the famous Dr. Atkins diet and for that reason, it is often called a French Atkins diet.
It is based on the so-called protein day. You have to eat once a week only protein food and Dr. Dukan recommends for that day to be Thursday.
During the time while you are on this diet you can eat unlimited quantities of veggies and fruits, meaning you will never be hungry and you will never have to count calories.
The popular book that doctor wrote has only one negative notice and that is due to the high amounts of proteins and low amounts of carbohydrates you will have from time to time bad breath, constipation, fatigue and a dry mouth.
What are the phases of the Dukan Diet?
Dukan Diet has 4 phases that include 2 steps in losing weight and 2 steps in keeping that desired weight forever.
* First Phase: Attack Phase
Proteins, proteins, proteins… are what Dr.Dukan suggest as a mandatory part of the first phrase. It is highly recommended to consume chicken and turkey meat instead of lamb and pork. Also, you can eat eggs, fish, shellfish, soy and most of the dairy products except cheese. During this phase, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of water and half a tablespoon of oat flakes. You must also walk for 20 minutes during this phase.
Duration of the phase: 1-10 days.
Results: According to Dr. Dukan most of the people survive in this phase only 5 days, and at that time they lose for 2-3kg.
* Second Phase: Cruise Phase
This is the phase where you lose weight and losing weight is gradual and different from person to person. This is how it goes in this phase. One day only proteins the next day proteins and vegetables and you repeat these two days until the end of the phase.
You can eat vegetables such as tomatoes, broccoli, eggplant, spinach, beets, cucumber, onion, pumpkin, mushrooms, and leeks. You can’t eat vegetables that contain starch like potatoes, corn, lentils, beans, peas. Also, drink plenty of water like in the first phase together with 2 tablespoons of oat flakes followed by 20 minutes of walking.
Duration of the phase: Until you reach your desired weight.
Results: You will lose every third day half a kilogram.
* Third Phase: Consolidation Phase
After the first two phases, you will achieve your goal, but the key is to maintain that weight that you want by not allowing those pounds to return, so you enter the phase of consolidation.
This phase will help you avoid those old habits that you have of eating and it will bring a balance in your diet. During this phase, you can start eating step by step all those food products that were not allowed in the first two phases.
Every day you can unlimited amounts of protein food including lamb and pork. You should also eat vegetables, fruits, 2 slices of whole wheat bread and 1 slice of cheese. Don’t forget drinking plenty of water and a 20-minute walk.
According to Dr.Dukan, you can eat two greasy meals a week or even twice a week of anything you want, everything is on the menu. In this phase, you must begin with practicing that protein day that is mandatory.
Duration of the phase: 10 days for every kilo that you have lost in the previous phase.
* Fourth Phase: Stabilization
The ultimate goal of this phase is to maintain your weight. The creator of this diet promises, that you can eat anything you want, but you must have one protein day. The menu for the protein day can be the same as the menu from the first phase along with 3 tablespoons of oat flakes per day and a 20-minute walk.
Duration of the phase: Entire life.
Important Note:
- It is allowed to use apple cider vinegar and spaces.
- You can use chewing gum but without a sugar.
- You should consume multivitamins every day.
- Drink coffee and tea without sugar.
- In case you have any health issues don’t apply this diet.